back to school

✨The best thing you can do for your kids mental health is care for your own mental health.

✨The best thing that you can do for your kids, emotional regulation skills is develop your own emotional regulation skills. 

✨The best thing that you can do for your kids nervous system is to care for your nervous system. 

The systems in our country are not set up to support children’s mental health or adults mental health. Therefore, we have to fight for and cultivate our own peace, stability, and health. 

It’s a wild world out there. 

We must create space to learn how to and practice…

-slowing down

-checking in

-being curious

-having hard conversations

-strengthening our ability to listen

-being compassionate

-setting boundaries

-regulating our nervous systems 

-cultivating healthier partnerships & communication

-caring for our fears

These things will help our kiddos. 

In the words of Mr. Rogers, “When we love a child, we accept them exactly as they are. We must be their safe harbor, a place where they can come with their hopes and dreams.” 

How can we offer that to them when we struggle to offer it to ourselves? 

Dr. Siegel’s ( brilliant interpersonal neurobiologist) research aligns with our Mr. Rogers, highlighting the significance of providing children with a safe and supportive environment that allows them to express themselves authentically and develop a strong sense of self.

Dr. Siegel also shares the importance of teaching children emotional intelligence and self-regulation. 

By helping them understand and manage their emotions, we equip them with vital life skills that they will neeeeeed as they grow.

How are we to offer our kids something some of us were never given or something we struggle to practice in our partnerships, friendships, and relationship with ourselves. 

We have to start somewhere. Leaders and parents of all kinds have the responsibility to take their own emotional intelligence and regulation to the next level if we are to raise a next generation of healthy and well adjusted humans. Statistically we have the most mentally challenged and struggling cohort of children ever in our nation and we must not ignore or avoid it. It starts with us. We must face and care for our own stories, challenges, deficits, and mental health so we can lead them well.

Before we can listen fully and clearly to our kids we have to learn to listen to ourselves.

By actively listening to our children’s feelings and experiences, we create a space where they feel seen, heard, and valued. This type of empathetic connection nurtures emotional intelligence and strengthens our relationships. If we don’t have this type of relationship with ourselves and our peers and partners how can we offer to them I say? HOW?

PARENTS- Find yourselves space to he heard, cared for, supported, listened to. Find resources that support this work.

Good Inside - Online Resources Good Inside- Dr. Becky Online Resources

Dr. Seigels Work -Dr. Seigel

“Listening is where love begins: listening to ourselves and then to our neighbors.” - Mr. Rogers 


sometimes we win, and sometimes…


May you learn to see yourself…